The fight against the loneliness and isolation of elderly people is at the heart of the history of the Dispensaire Français- Société Française de Bienfaisance. It is carried out through these actions:
Home visits to maintain a social link
A team of voluntary helpers visit those elderly isolated people who cannot get out easily and who crave company. By visiting them, the volunteers promote a trusting relationship, create a memory, and offer an opening to the outside world.
The club
Every first Thursday of the month, the members of the club, mostly retired, meet for lunch and shared activities with the volunteers team in charge, talk freely about subjects chosen together, and are happy to be together.
There is sometimes a visit by a professional to give advice and/or encourage mobility (physiotherapist, dietician, well being, etc.).
Every year around 40 people, members and friends of the club meet for a great Christmas lunch, always a convivial and happy moment.